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Hand Drawn Heart

Welcome to Blessed Petite Vie

My name is Erin I m a Christian Wife Step Mom Dog Mom GrandMommy Entrepreneur Real Estate Broker Fitness Outdoor Enthusiast Tiny House Builder Simplistic Living Type of Person
Small Business Owner Handwritten Text

Fresh. Clean. Natural.

Rough Messy Handwritten Appreciate Everything

Here you will find links to my business pages

(click on the Logos to the right)

I will also be sharing Tiny Tidbits about the real estate market,

fitness, healthy eating, bible verses, homesteading, and more...

if you want to stop by now & then to check it out.

Thank you for visiting. =)

Scribble Hearts Quote Decoration

“Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong. And do everything with love.”

email icon

1Corinthians 16:13-14

Hand pressed flower
vintage flower watercolor

Tidy Tidbits

Behind the Name


...because I am grateful for all I have been given...especially God’s grace.

~Ephesians 2:8 ; 1Thessalonians 5:18~

“Petite Vie”

because...it means little life in French

to honor my grandmother who came from France as a WWII war bride and to serve as a reminder to focus on what really matters. It’s not about collecting “stuff” here on Earth that you can’t take with you when you go.

Live Simply. Love God. Love Others.

~Matthew 6:19 ; Luke 10:27~

vintage flower watercolor

Tidy Tidbits

Massage Write by Pen Icon

Coming Soon...

Coming Soon...

Messy Marker Valentine's Day Heart Arrow
Hand pressed flower

Coming Soon...

Messy Marker Valentine's Day Hearts